Monday, October 20, 2008

Palapa Ring (7)

According to some local news at the end of October, Powertek Utama Internusa has indeed withdrawn its membership from the consortium. This is based on some statements quoted from the consortium spokesperson Rakhmat Junaedi. But what a bit strange is that the company (Powertek) has stated that "it should not be finalized yet" !!

  • "PT Powertek Utama Internusa akhirnya memutuskan untuk mundur dari megaproyek infrastruktur jaringan nasional Palapa Ring. Keputusan ini disambut baik anggota konsorsium. Mundurnya Powertek dibenarkan oleh juru bicara konsorsium Palapa Ring, Rakhmat Junaedi. Namun, ia menegaskan, meski telah menerima surat dari yang bersangkutan, proses mundurnya Powertek belum rampung seluruhnya." 28/10/08
  • "Ketika dikonfirmasi, CEO PT Powertek Utama Internusa Rose Melati Adikusuma, tak mau menyatakan secara tegas kemundurannya dari konsorsium. "Keputusannya belum final, jadi lebih baik tanyakan saja kepada konsorsium. Saya tak punya wewenang untuk membicarakan hal ini," tandasnya seraya mengelak mundurnya Powertek terkait kepentingan salah satu partai politik." 28/10/08

There are two new things (as of October 2008).
  1. It seems that in the last minutes Powertek has fulfilled its duty regarding the consortium's financial commitment to deposit 5% of the agreed total investment of each party (in this respect, Powertek shall invest around USD 30 mn). This fact revises my previous post: yes, Powertek is (up to now, still) in the Palapa Ring consortium!
  2. As the result of the second pre-qualification process, GMSL and Tyco are out of the field! The consortium chooses NEC, ASN and Fujitsu-NSW.


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