One possible answer can be seen in the graph at the right. According to Telegeograhpy, as of 2007 54% of the total Internet traffic is originated from P2P applications which are in the forms of video (61%), audio (11%) and other formats (27%).
Some other facts (taken from Telegeography):
- P2P traffic accounts for nearly 60% of Internet traffic (Sandvine)
- The share of P2P traffic varies from 10% to 70% depending on a carrier's customer base and geograpic coverage (TG's interviews with carriers)
- When TPB torrent network was taken down in Sweden, TeliaSonera's Internet traffic declined by 60%!
- P2P accounted for 50% of upstream capacity on Japanese networks in 04/2006 (Japanese Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications)
- YouTube serves 70 mn low-res videos daily!
- Online Gaming: World of Warcraft reported 6.5 mn subscribers in early 2006
- Video Calling: Microsoft claimed that users of Microsoft Messenger engaged in 1.1 bn minutes of video calling during 01/2006 (how about Yahoo?)
- Sporting events which routinely streamed online (World Cup, major league baseball etc.)
- Grid Computing : Teragrid (10 Gbps connections)
- In 06/2006 more than 106.5 mn people (3 of 5 US Internet users) streamed or downloaded video (in total, nearly 7.2 bn videos were streamed or downloaded - comScore 09/2006)
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